Sound On

New update to the game! I’ve added several features this go-round, as well as continually improving stuff under the hood.

  • Sound effects! Various actions in the game will give you audio feedback. I’m using Furnace Tracker to produce NES-era sounds.
  • Play the game with your mouse! 🐁 You can now click on equations to select them, instead of using the keyboard to navigate the grid. Keyboard is still an option though!
  • Some visual updates! Now you’ll see who’s doing all the thinking about numbers!
  • Reaching a high score will now be flashier, including a special screen at the end of the game!

That’s all for now. Still have plenty planned, and I think of refinements or enhancements every day. Currently I have 10 items “ready to start”, and almost 20 in the backlog. I do have some big plans, to see how far I can push this concept of Mathematics and… well there’s no Cheese. Yet! 🧀